Me dhimbje te thelle njoftojme miqte, shoket dhe te gjithe komunitetin me rastin e vdekjeste se dashurit tone, Lul Musli Bajraktari.
Familja Bajraktari, pret vizita ngushellimi per burra dhe gra,
te Dielen me 18 Dhjetor, nga ora 10:00am- 4:00pm
280 Davenport Ave,
New Rochelle, NY
Familja falenderon komunitetin shqiptar, qe I qendroi prane gjate ketij momenti te dhimbshem!
It is with deep sorrow that we inform friends, colleagues and the whole community about the death of our beloved, Lul Musli Bajraktari.
The Bajraktari family is hosting condolence visits, for men and women,
on Sunday, December 18th, from 10:00am to 4:00 pm at:
280 Davenport Ave,
New Rochelle, NY
The family, thanks the Albanian community, which stood by them during this painful moment.