In Memoriam Bardyl Tirana: Fortunate to have worked with him on Kosova

I had the distinguished honor of meeting Bardyl Tirana in the early 1990-s. He was a true gentleman and a statesman.

Bardyl had a wonderful career in law, politics, and business, and had an office in Washington DC in those years.

I met through him some friends we had a great discussion about Kosova and the Albanian nation. We asked him for help on Kosova and without any hesitation he said, “you have my help and you have my energy. Tell what you want me to do.”

He advised President Ibrahim Rugova and Prime Minister Bukoshi for many years on how to present Kosova in Washington DC.

He registered in Washington as a legal representative of Kosova and although he was one of the most in demand lawyers in the capital, he only charged the people of Kosova one dollar a year. His work and contribution were precious to our work. He opened many doors to Dr. Rugova and other Albanian leaders from the region.

I had the pleasure to meet him many times afterwards, especially while we founded NAAC (National Albanian American Council). Mr. Tirana offered his help pro-bono to rewrite NAAC’s bylaws and was always a dignified presence.

He will truly be missed and I was very fortunate to have worked with him on Kosova in those days.

I offer my condolences to his wife and children, and to his brother Turhan.

God bless he soul!