Kosovar President Involved In Security Incident At Airport In North Macedonia

Kosova has accused security staff at the airport in neighboring North Macedonia’s capital of violating international practices after an incident during which President Vjosa Osmani refused to allow her mobile phone to go through a security check.

Osmani and her detail were en route to Slovenia when the August 1 incident occurred.

“The Macedonian airport officials’ behavior is contrary to all international practices that say heads of state are protected by diplomatic privileges and immunities when traveling. In violation of these rules, the Macedonian side took the personal handbag of the president,” said Osmani’s political adviser, Bekim Kupina, after the August 1 incident.

“Although this was against the rules, the president’s team allowed it so that the president could enter the airport, specifically the VIP lounge, which was reserved by a verbal note from our Embassy, as is the practice for heads of state.

“However, for security reasons, the president did not allow her phone to be taken, since that would have been a serious violation,” said Kupina, adding that a member of airport security “tried to physically push the president, prompting Kosovar police [protecting the president] to intervene to clear the way” for Osmani.

The incident was solved when the speaker of North Macedonia’s parliament, Afrim Gashi, personally arrived at the airport and helped Osmani and her detail to continue their trip.

Macedonian authorities have rejected accusations of an intentional violation but said they have started an investigation.

The airport security company said its employees carried out a standard security check at the airport on August 1.

Kosova and North Macedonia have diplomatic relations and so far there have been no similar incidents. Last month, Osmani traveled to Skopje where she met with North Macedonia’s newly elected President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova. (Radio Free Europe)