Pristine areas, once compromised, cannot be restored


Mr. Ruben Avxhiu

Editor, llyria Newspaper

(by email)

Dear Mr. Editor:  I was shocked to read, on the front page of yesterday’s print edition of The Washington Post, a long article about the possible construction of some sort of resort near Zvernec.  The words “mos o Zot” came unbidden my mind.  That may be too harsh a judgment, but I sincerely hope the Albanian government proceeds with caution and is not distracted by promises of quick large profits.  Such pristine areas like that, if once compromised, cannot be restored.


William E. Ryerson


(Editor’s Note: William E. Ryerson has served as the first Ambassador of the United States of America in Albania, 1991-1994, after the collapse of communism and the resumption of the diplomatic relationship between our two countries.)