Serbian municipalities association of any kind puts Kosova under Serbia
By Agim Aliçkaj

The Serbian terrorist attack of November 29 in the water canal of the Ibër-Lepenc system was directed specifically against the people of Kosova. This clearly shows the criminal face of Vucic’s Serbian regime. Even the biggest skeptics must finally understand that nothing can be achieved with Serbia through dialogue. They must understand that if the north is put under the Serbian control, Kosova will disappear as a state.
They must understand that without the North there is no Kosova.
Any Kosova politician who dares to create the Serbian association, will get “the place of honor” on the wall of shame of national history. The same thing awaits those who bargain with Albanian lands in any form. Let all traitors, cowards and sold souls understand it. No Serbian association, no exchange of territory, no adjustment of borders, period.
For the Serbian-Russian hegemonists, the demand for Serbian association is just another precondition, another step in the right direction to continue with other, more radical demands. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of Kosova, taking control of all Albanian lands and access to the sea. Kosova is the main and last obstacle to the realization of their dark desires.
The claims of the Serbian criminal regime about persecution and violation of the rights of the Serbian minority in Kosova are untrue and absurd. Kosova is under strict international surveillance from all sides, from KFOR, UNMIK, EULEX, the opposition, the press and many non-governmental organizations. Add to it friendly and hostile foreign intelligence services like CIA, MI6, BND, KGB, MSS, BIA and many others. Even if Kosova wanted to violate their rights, it would be impossible.
Likewise, the statements of some politicians from the opposition that Kosova is ruling the Serbian minority by force like Milosevic, Rankovic, etc. are untrue, dangerous and idiotic. Even worse, those who say that Serbia should be given something to get recognition are the biggest fools of this century.
The Constitution of Kosova guarantees the Serbian minority more rights than anywhere else in the world. They need protection from Vucic’s gangs, not some association that isolates them from their country. Of course, the government of Kosova must do everything possible to gain their trust without compromising state interests. International guarantees for the creation of a possibly “harmless” Serbian association for Kosova are impossible and misleading.
On the other hand, Serbia is violating the human and national rights of Albanians who live in their ancestral lands in Serbia, Presheva, Bujanoc, Medvegja and Sanxhak. The passivization of addresses and the ethnic cleansing of Albanians in Serbia is continuing without being hindered by anyone. The Government of Kosova should raise this issue at every moment and insist that this problem is entered in dialogue with Serbia.
The paranoid hatred of various Serbian cliques, including the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Academy of Sciences for the Albanian nation never stops. In their written platform evidenced in the pamphlet of the Serbian chauvinist Vaso Čubrilović, tried by the war criminal Milosevic and adapted by his blind follower Aleksandar Vučić, it is clearly stated: “The existence of the Serbian nation depends on the non-existence of the Albanian nation”.
We won our freedom with blood and countless sacrifices over the centuries. We won our independence with a war against the Serbian occupier. Freedom and independence cannot be negotiated and surrendered through dialogue at the table. This does not permit the blood of commander Adem Jashari and his family, other martyrs, heroes of freedom and thousands of innocent civilians, victims of the Serbian genocide. It especially does not allow the blood of 1432 children massacred by the Serbian terrorist army.
Europe’s failed efforts to pull Serbia from Russia at the expense of Kosova are unparalleled. The European emissaries used the liberalization of visas to give Çakorr to Montenegro, the Council of Europe to give touristic lands to the monastery of Deçan and are trying to use the dialogue to give Serbia control over the northern Kosova. Their initial pressure turned into deceit, blackmail and unfair sanctions against Kosova.
All these data indicate that some European politicians may have promised Serbia the northern part of Kosova. It appears that they want independent Kosova to become controlled by Serbia. The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama wants the same thing.
They succeeded in intimidating and subduing the previous governments. But the courageous, capable and uncorrupted government of Kosova that emerged from the elections of February 14, 2021, headed by President Vjosa Osmani, PM Albin Kurti and Speaker Glauk Konjufca took the North out of the Serbian clutches. They saved Kosova from certain destruction.
Accusations against the government of Kosova for worsening relations with international friends are absurd and baseless. Friends turned into traders of Albanian lands for their temporary geopolitical interests. They were used to giving orders and controlling the corrupt class of Kosova. No wonder they are surprised and angry with the determination of PM Albin Kurti to protect interests of his country.
The real culprits for the worsening of relations and the failure of the dialogue with Serbia are the internationals themselves. They punish Kosova for implementing democracy, law and order. Meanwhile, they appease Serbian autocrats and do not take any action against them for the terrorist attacks and aggression against Kosova.
Even bigger culprits are the opposition of Kosova, PM of Albania Edi Rama and the sold media who are encouraging Serbian aggression. Their efforts to blame the government of Kosova are useless. The people of Kosova know this matter very well, they cannot be deceived.
Hence Vjosë, Albin and Glauk. Honorable! Take it from me and thousands of independent voters, who have no personal interest in the political life of Kosova, except for the national interest. Don’t be divided! You are attacked from all sides just because you are working well for the state and the nation. Serbia has poured millions into Kosova and is using every means to divide and overthrow you. Please don’t be divided!
Kosova has achieved a lot under your leadership. Do not hurt these achievements because all your previous efforts will go in vain. Try to overcome disagreements privately with wisdom and respect. Don’t attack each other because you become low character like others. You are special and as such you will have the opportunity to leave your mark on Albanian national history.
Kosova and the entire nation need you, your joint work and unity. You are very capable for the positions you hold. You are still considered the trio of change and hope for Kosova.
The most important thing is that you have the support of the majority of the people of Kosova. International politicians and diplomats come and go. All of them are temporary. Only the people are permanent. Your political life depends on the people of Kosova, not on internationals. Stay together to win at least one more term with more than 50% of the vote. Only then will friends and enemies respect you and the country you represent.
You have special respect and support from prominent Albanian national and human rights activists, the living legends of lobbying in Washington Joe DioGuardi and Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi, the majority of the Board of the Albanian American Civic League, as well as the vast majority of expatriates in USA.
Do not allow politicians who are ready to sell the state and the nation for personal and party interests, for stealing and corruption, to take over the governing of Kosova.
The opposition parties of Kosova must understand once and for all that in order to gain the trust of the people, they must become better than the position. Their demands towards the international community in the interest of the state should be bigger, not smaller than the ones by the government. The minimum expectation for them is to unite against Serbia. People’s support cannot be gained by insults, slander and inappropriate criticism, but by offering concrete solutions.
The media in the Albanian space and various analysts have become so disgusting with their comments that it is impossible to follow. They are lying so much against the government that they can’t be trusted even when they tell the truth.
Although attacked from all sides, the government of Kosova has done a great job, especially on the international level. It has faced the international pressure with dignity and in the best possible way, by compromising on small things but not those that endanger the sovereignty and integrity of the state.
The EU Macron-Scholz agreement, rejected by Serbia, should be the last compromise that Kosovo may make towards the international community. The dialogue has failed because of Serbia. The problem is in Serbia and can only be solved there. There will be no peace and security in Europe until Serbia is decriminalized.
Kosova has no other way but to resist and prepare for defense until the international community gets tired of Serbian destructiveness and aggressiveness. Therefore, the state of Kosova must be ready with all diplomatic, economic and military means because Serbian autocrats only understand real pressure and the language of force. All of us must contribute to the Security Fund.
This is just the starting point. Since Serbia is directly supported by Russia , Kosova needs a greater power to confront it. This can only be done with the help of America and no one else. Cooperation and coordination with America is necessary to survive. The right is on our side. Serbia is with Russia and will never be with America. Kosova is America, period.
It is necessary to find a way to convince the administration of the incoming president Donald J. Trump to raise economic and diplomatic relations to a higher level and to reach an agreement on the defense of the state of Kosova until NATO membership is secured.
There is a possibility that the emissary proposed by President Trump for special missions namely in North Korea and Venezuela, Richard Grenell, will also have a role in the dialogue with Serbia. No one knows for sure, but I hope not. The main reason is his open bias towards Kosova and his extreme closeness to the criminal Vucic, who even decorated him.
However, if Grenell gets involved in Kosova and does not change his approach, he can and should be opposed, first by Albanian-American supporters of President Trump, second by lobbying in the American Congress through representatives of both parties, and then by diplomacy based on facts of the elected government of Kosova. Only a capable and determined prime minister with great popular support can do this, and this is PM Albin Kurti.
Serbian chauvinists expect the Trump administration to support them in doing bad things, destroying Kosova and destabilizing Europe. The people of Kosova and the entire Albanian nation are expecting the support from America to do good things, for peace and security, good relations with neighbors and the strengthening of Europe. The choice should be easy. Further concessions to Serbia and the international community are not an option.
In the end, everything depends on us, on our work, dedication, unity and perseverance. There is no power in the world that can force Kosova to make concessions to the detriment of its statehood, if this is not accepted by the brave and freedom-loving people of Kosova.
Without the North there is no Kosova and without Kosova there is no Albanian nation!