Statement on 22nd Anniversary of Bytyqi Brothers MurdersJuly 9, 2020
After twenty-two years, we are as eager and hopeful today as we were on day one, that Ylli, Agron, and Mehmet Bytyqi and the rest of our family will see justice.
We are also hopeful that President Biden’s campaign commitment to seek “swift accountability… without fear or favor” in the Bytyqi Brothers murders will soon be fulfilled. Thus far, we are deeply disappointed that the administration has not taken more serious steps when so much could be done. President Vucic and the Serbian government have repeatedly shown themselves to be bad-faith actors in the case, yet senior State Department officials refuse to acknowledge this basic truth and instead deliver empty talking points that are routinely ignored. Less than two weeks ago, Goran Radosavljevic was awarded a high honor by Serbia’s Gendarmerie, demonstrating how unfazed its government is by the current U.S. approach.
Opportunities for accountability in the Bytyqi Brothers cases are both present and fleeting. We urge the Biden administration to start serious engagement on the case before it is too late. President Biden made a promise to our brothers, our family, and our community. We hope that his administration soon delivers upon that promise. Peace for our family and the families of many other victims depends on it.
Until Justice is Served: A Promise for the Bytyqi Brothers from Praveen Madhiraju on Vimeo.