Religious harmony and the protection of traditional Illyrian-Dardanian-Albanian positive values is vital for the Albanian nation
From Agim Alickaj
Prof. Dr. Nusret Pllana was a political prisoner, a freedom fighter and now tireless activist for the documentation of Serbian crimes and the punishment of criminals and the Serbian fascist state. In short, he is a national figure. His concern and open warning about the danger from extremisms within our nation, should be taken seriously by state and social structures at all levels.
It is a well-known fact that the centuries-old Serbian enemy has sponsored radical Islam as the main tool for the destruction of the Albanian nation and the grabbing of our lands. This is also emphasized in the pamphlet of the Serbian evil chauvinist Vaso Čubrilović “The Expulsion of Albanians”. Fascist Serbia has tried to present us in front of Europe as a backward radical Muslim nation, while itself as a “defender of European Christianity”.
Thus, Serbia managed to deceive Europe for centuries, paving the way for the genocide against Albanians. Thanks to popular resistance and America’s intervention in 1999, the Albanian nation was saved from extinction. But, a part of Europe still has religious prejudices and is cold towards the Albanian Muslim majority. Precisely for this reason, it is doing its best to bring Kosova back under Serbia’s control by abusing dialogue, insisting on the creation of a completely unnecessary Serbian association, before recognition by Serbia.
America does not prejudice Muslim Albanians, as long as they cultivate a tolerant, secular Islam. But if our Islamic religion turns into hateful extremism and our culture mixes with Arab culture, we risk losing America’s support. We dare not allow ourselves this because our enemy is not only the Serbian beast. There is also the Russian beast, which only America can put on its tail. Arab and Muslim countries cannot help us, some of them are satellites of Russia.
Many historical endeavors have brought us different religions. But, throughout history, although there has been hatred and radicalization from time to time by all religions, the essential majority of the nation has maintained religious tolerance. This has helped the Albanian nation to survive. We must continue this with courage, determination and commitment.
Religious belief is a personal matter, an individual right regulated by law and guaranteed in true democratic states, such as the Republic of Kosova. Everyone has the right to appreciate, promote and praise their own religion, but not to incite hatred and threaten believers of other religions to impose themselves. Those who do so should be isolated, distanced and prosecuted on legal grounds. Especially if they are financed by Serbia and hostile external sources.
Radical hateful Christianity is also very dangerous because it encourages hateful radical Islam. Imams and priests do not have absolute immunity, the good ones must be appreciated while the bad ones must be criticized, exposed and opposed, just like politicians.
And let us never forget that religion can be changed, but the nation cannot. Those who think they can change the nation are losers, miserable and worthless bastards. No one has respect for them.
The acceptance and promotion of bad values and harmful foreign cultures are also dangerous for the future of the nation. We do not need foreign clothing that belittles, denigrates and enslaves our mothers, sisters and daughters. Nor do we need the other immoral extreme of unrestrained freedom in dressing and behavior. Strong families with tradition have helped preserve our freedom and national identity. They are the backbone of the strong states and nations.
Regional divisions and hatreds cause national division and weaken the Albanian nation. Like it or not, we are one nation and share the same destiny. True nationals should respect, love and support each other, despite bad politicians who come and go.
Attention, government, opposition, media, non-governmental organizations, schools and religious institutions, academies of science, families and individuals from all Albanian lands and diaspora. Professor Pllana’s sincere emotional call to protect the nation from various extremisms applies to all of us and is the last warning for our society and countries.
We all have a duty to preserve, protect and strengthen our peaceful bright nation, with ancient positive traditions and high human and national values.